Price Match

Price Match Guarantee

Our Promise

If, within 30 days after your purchase, you purchased a product from one of our showrooms and have found the same merchandise advertised for less by an authorized dealer, we will gladly refund the difference in full.*

Goemans’ Price Protection Guarantee was designed to ensure that you receive competitive pricing on your newly purchased appliances. That’s part of our commitment to keeping our customers satisfied.

What you need to know

The merchandise must have already been delivered and paid for, be the same brand and model, advertised in the same trading area, under the same terms and conditions, finance terms (including any administrative fee or delivery charge), and must be in stock and available at the advertised price for the price adjustment to be valid.

We will only adjust the price based on the overall net pricing of a package (multiple products) not individual pricing. We take into consideration all additional charges such as delivery, removals, taxes, rebates, and manufacturer’s promotions (such as gifts with purchase). We are also able to price match multiple products from multiple competitor locations. 

Acceptable forms of proof of price:

  • Written pricing on competitor's paperwork
  • Advertised printed pricing
  • Live Web pricing 

Forms of proof of price we do not accept:

  • Cards with handwritten prices
  • Personal paperwork with handwritten prices
  • Emails
  • Website screenshots

All you have to do is bring in the paperwork indicating the lower price you have found elsewhere to your local Goemans showroom, and if your product qualifies for a price match adjustment, we’ll happily honour it for you. It’s that easy. 

*We reserve the right to selectively choose when we will or will not price match and/or adjust a price for a customer. Many factors come into play when price matching, including the type and brand of product in question, and as such we implement the Price Match Guarantee on a case-by-case basis. We will NOT price match dollar for dollar on any web-only competition. The product in question must be in stock at the competitive retailer. Our Price Match Guarantee does not apply to advertised price errors (online, in print, or otherwise), rebates, government rebates, coupons, free bonus offers, clearance items, factory closeouts, store opening specials, time specials or limited quantity offers (e.g. Boxing Day, Black Friday), builder rebates, auction website prices, licensed departments, club retailers, co-op or wholesale purchases, U.S. or Internet-only retailers, bundle promotional offers, or products sold without a manufacturer’s warranty. We do not price match installation and warranty offers.